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歌曲《Cross Over》歌词完整版_林俊杰&Jason Mraz

发布人  jita123    时间  2023-09-05 08:00:12    浏览数 56    评论数 0

这一首《Cross Over》歌曲是由歌手林俊杰&Jason Mraz演唱,发布于个人第25届台湾金曲奖专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

我为你心跳 我为你祈祷


因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗



你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠








我们那些信仰 要忘记多难

远距离的欣赏 近距离的迷惘






快乐炼成泪水 是一种勇敢

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅


别讲想念我 我会受不了这样








几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅


别讲想念我 我会受不了这样

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅


别讲想念我 我会受不了这样

oh love is a funny thing

whenever I give it – it comes back to me

and it’s wonderful to be giving with my whole heart

as my heart receives your love

oh, ain’t it nice this life we got each other

I am right beside you

more than just a partner or a lover,

I’m your friend

when you love someone

your heartbeat beats so loud

when you love someone

your feet can’t feel the ground

shining stars all seem to congregate around your face

when you love someone

it comes back to you

and love is a funny thing

it’s making my blood flow of energy

and it’s like an awakened dream

because what I’ve been wishing for is happening

and it’s right on time

oh ain’t it nice tonight we got each other

I am right beside you

more than just a partner or a lover

I’m your friend

when you love someone

your heartbeat beats so loud

when you love someone

your feet can’t feel the ground

shining stars all seem to congregate around your face

when you love someone

when you love

we’re gonna give ourselves to love tonight

lifting up to touch the starlight

and we will savor every second we

spend together you and I will

you and I will

you and I will

when you love someone

your heartbeat beats so loud

shining stars all seem to congregate

around your face when you love someone

it comes back to you

well you done done me and you better felt it

I tried to be chill but you so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks and I’m tryin to get back

before the cool done run out I’ll be givin it my bestest

and nothin’s gonna stop me but divine intervention

I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some

but I won’t hesitate no more,

no more, it cannot wait I’m yours

well open up your mind and see like me

open up your plans and damn you’re free

look into your heart and you’ll find love love love love

listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing

we’re just one big family

it’s your god forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved

so, I won’t hesitate no more,

no more, it cannot wait I’m sure

there’s no need to complicate our time is short

this is our fate, I’m yours

do do do you want to come

scooch clser dear

I’ve been spendin’ way too long checkin’ my tongue in the mirror

and bendin’ over backwards just to try to see it clearer

my breath fogged up the glass

so I drew a new face and laughed

I guess what I’m a sayin’is there ain’t no better reason

to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons

it’s what we aim to do

our name is our virtue

but I won’t hesitate no more, no more

it cannot wait, I’m yours

open up your mind and see like me

open up your plans and damn your free

look into your heart and you’ll-find… the sky is yours

this’s no need to no need this’s no need to complicate

our time is short

this this this is our fate, I’m yours

第25届台湾金曲奖2014年6月28日在台北小巨蛋举行。当晚,出道十年、四次入围金曲歌王、三次遗珠之憾的林俊杰,终於如愿以偿抱得“最佳男歌手”大奖,而歌后则由戴佩妮斩获。事业得意,两位歌王歌后情场也得意,戴佩妮领奖时特别感谢她“未来的老公”,并透露今年会结婚,而林俊杰也大方表示,目前有心仪的对象,但未告白,还在观察当中。\n\n风头最劲:戴佩妮计划结婚,林俊杰扭伤脚\n林俊杰与戴佩妮都是第四度入围金曲奖,并首次荣登歌王、歌后。陪榜三年的林俊杰终於等到“封王”这一刻,颁奖人萧敬腾单膝下跪,大动作颁出歌王奖座,林俊杰难掩激动,大吼一声“YES”后说道:“原来这就是得到最佳男歌手的滋味!”\n他甚至兴奋到一到后台从台阶跳下,导致脚踝扭伤,去庆功宴都要一扭一拐。“起初还觉得没事,后来到庆功宴的路上就开始肿胀。”林俊杰在走红地毯时向媒体透露,目前有心仪的对象。问他得奖了心仪对象是否有传来祝贺,林俊杰说,“朋友都有发信息道贺”,但强调如果有交往对象,一定会公布。尤其最近周遭好友喜事连连,让他也有想在事业被肯定后,思考在生活上也要稳定下来,但目前问题就是工作很忙没 \n\n时间谈恋爱。\n戴佩妮相隔7年入围最佳国语女歌手奖,4度入围的她,以专辑《纯属意外》登上金曲后座﹔此外她还以新人歌手刘思涵专辑《拥抱你》的制作人身份,夺得最佳专辑制作人奖。抱得两奖的她在颁奖礼后出席庆功宴时表示,其实也不能说终於等到“封后”,有很多歌坛前辈入围多次也都还没得奖,她认为能够入围金曲奖,家人就已经很开心。而婚事规划,戴佩妮表示,今年确实有计划注册结婚,但会不会举办婚礼等,两人个性都较低调。她的男友“西米露”也出现在庆功宴上,两人喝香槟庆祝,随后在众人起哄下,“西米露”害羞亲吻戴佩妮脸颊,现场洋溢著甜蜜。\n存在感最高:萧敬腾“显灵”,蔡依林掀高潮\n在奖项之外,若要问谁才是当晚存在感最强的赢家,那一定非又压轴红毯、又当表演和开奖嘉宾、又是广告时间“霸屏脸”的上届歌王萧敬腾莫属。当晚老萧穿SAINT LAURENT西装,配大圆礼帽亮相红毯。原本天公作美,2小时红毯气候皆佳,直到他踏上红毯中途,竟开始下细雨,现场许多人笑喊“雨神”,声音此起彼伏。但他似乎早有预感,造型有配帽子,他笑说:“我就是准备好了!”\n颁奖礼上,萧敬腾与50人大型管弦乐团合作演出张学友经典歌《真爱》,展现歌唱实力,观众如痴如醉,甚至金曲奖电视广告时间有一半也是他,让网友直呼“太高能”、“这届没入围却最有存在感的人”。\n而颁奖礼全场的最高潮要落在蔡依林的压轴表演上,从《我知道你很难过》到《舞娘》、《野蛮游戏》,再到最后的《大艺术家》,蔡依林霸气的台风和稳定的LIVE表现值得称赞。唱跳11首招牌歌\n\n,秒速换装8次全新编曲,并与72位舞者共舞,伴舞也是换了几波,从皮裤妖男、半裸男、再到变装皇后,瞬间引爆全场。\n李宗盛是“大赢家” 李荣浩拿最佳新人奖\n除了最受瞩目的歌王歌后外,最佳国语专辑奖由张震岳以《我是海雅谷慕》夺下大奖,张震岳说本来他很平静,结果上台前他又激动了起来,血压都飙高了。而最大赢家就属音乐教父李宗盛,李宗盛以单曲《山丘》入围5项,最后不负众望勇夺三个奖项,包括最佳年度歌曲奖,也证明姜是老的辣。\n来自祖国大陆的李荣浩和李健各自入围5项,李荣浩特别到台北参与,并担任典礼表演嘉宾,并最终获得最佳新人奖,他在致辞时表示“下午到小巨蛋时手心直冒汗”。据悉他此行将逗留5天,跑12个通告,而李健因为赴意大利演出只好缺席金曲奖。
