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歌曲《Now That She\’s Gone》歌词完整版_林俊杰

发布人  jita123    时间  2023-08-29 21:00:49    浏览数 57    评论数 0

这一首《Now That She’s Gone》歌曲是由歌手林俊杰演唱,发布于个人极道学园 电视原声带专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

Now That She’s Gone (她离开了) – 林俊杰 (JJ Lin)



Girl you know I miss you so

I didn’t know you had to go

You’ve had enough of our distance baby

Before I had the chance to say

I’m staying with you

For the rest of my life

Don’t keep telling me these words

You don’t know how much it hurts

And I’ll promise you eternity

If you promise me your stay

But now it’s too late

I’m no longer the man that I was

I will go on without her

Like a fool who’s too sure

I’m like a brid who’s lost her wing

A fire without it’s flame

I don’t know how to be strong

When my love has to move on

I am a song without a soul

Now that she’s gone

What’s left of us is this song

Don’t keep telling me these words oh no

You don’t know how much it hurts

And I’ll promise you eternity

If you promise me your stay

But now it’s too late

I’m no longer the man that I was

I will go on without her

Like a fool who’s too sure

I’m like a brid who’s lost her wing

A fire without it’s flame

I don’t know how to be strong

When my love has to move on

I am a song without a soul

Now that she’s gone

What’s left of us is this song

Oh yes I know I don’t know

Baby I am konw I’m a foul

And I will go on without her

Like a fool who’s too sure

I’m like a brid who’s lost her wing

A fire without it’s flame

I don’t know how to be strong

When my love has to move on

I am a song without a soul

Now that she’s gone

What’s left of us is this song

This is our song without a soul

Now that you’re gone

What’s left of us in this song

  不可抗拒的—-校园型男风\r\n\r\n  由王传一领军,校园偶像剧新人马如龙、李伟豪、藤冈靛联手出击,表现不同的校园型男styel;王传一饰演的老师,是智慧型男、饰演资优生的马如龙代表的是气质型男、饰演纨绔子弟的李伟豪则代表了个性型男、来自日本的藤冈靛代表的是自信型男。不同的角色风格却表现出属于七、八年级生的个性取向。因此在音乐风格上也有属于新世代的诠释法。4人第一次联手出辑就以nu’metal曲风强力侵占台湾音乐市场,意图创造个性派的校园风格。\r\n\r\n  ⊙林宇中2006强力新作《讯号》全力跨刀\r\n\r\n  刚结束马来西亚新戏‘原点’演出的林宇中,虽然来不及参与台湾偶像剧的演出,但对于制作单位的邀歌非常热衷,他特别拿出一首非常富有想像空间的私房创作‘讯号’。这首歌曲让林宇中绞尽脑汁写了两个版本,经过一番自我挣扎才决定拿出最后版本给制作单位,制作单位听到后非常满意,决定置入戏剧的配乐,这首歌曲隐含了林宇中创作的多元化,以往大家对他的印象都是抒情歌曲,而‘讯号’这首歌包含了他个人非常喜欢的 world music 曲风。制作单位对这首歌曲的评价也非常高,觉得非常适合《极道学园》的校园轻松感,因此,原声带里特别收录。林宇中非常在意大家对这首曲的反应,并且决定结束马来西亚的宣传行程之后,马上配合《极道学园》原声带的宣传工作。\r\n
