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歌曲《Long Arm Of The Law》歌词完整版_Kenny Rogers

发布人  jita123    时间  2023-08-03 17:12:28    浏览数 63    评论数 0

这一首《Long Arm Of The Law》歌曲是由歌手Kenny Rogers演唱,发布于个人Daytime Friends: The Very Best Of Kenny Rogers专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

Long Arm Of The Law – Kenny Rogers (肯尼·罗杰斯)

In Cumberland Kentucky

On a cool hot evening

Billy lay in love with Marrianne

She was a rich judge’s daughter

He was a son of a miner

But that night their love was more than they could stand

The judge said to his daughter

That son of that coal miner

Is someone you’ll go hell to leave alone

She knew his dad so well

She knew she couldn’t tell

But the truth was bound in show before too long

Their love had started growing on it’s own

You can’t out run the long arm of the law

No you can’t out run the long arm of the law

Billy placed his hand on Mary

And he felt the baby’s moving

Kissed her and said I’ll see you when I can

The judge had made a promise

When he caught up with Billy

He’d sent him far away from Marianne

The whole town knew he’d do it

Too many times he’d proved it

To at least a hundred men behind the wall

He’d smiled behind that frown

And when he brought that gavel down

He called himself the long arm of the law

And he’d set his mind on seeing Billy fall

In a hot humid mine shack

A mid white pulled the sheet back

And placed cool damp towel on Marianne

Billy’s eyes were wide with wonder

From the spell he was under

When she placed the new born baby in his hands

He didn’t hear the siren

Just a baby’s crying

That miracle of love was all he saw

When the door came crashing down

And Billy turned around

He felt the heart and soul inside him fall

He stood face to face

With the long arm of the law

You can’t out run the long arm of the law

No you can’t out run the long arm of the law

You can hide out for a while

He says with a smile

But you can’t out run the long arm of the law

Seemed like everybody down in Cumberland Kentucky

Came out that day to see poor Billy’s trial

The court was called to order

There sat the judge’s daughter

She looked so proud

Holding Billy’s child

When they brought Billy to him

The judge just look right thru him

As he held that holy bible in his hand

And he smiled at his grandson

Then his eyes cut back to Billy

And said I think this time

The law will understand

Son I sentence you to live with Marianne

You can’t out run the long arm of the law

No you can’t out run the long arm of the law

He said to Billy with a smile

I know you hide out for a while

Ah but you can’t out run the long arm of the law

No you can’t out run the long arm of the law

Kenny Rogers,1938年8月21日出生于美国德馑萨斯州赫斯顿贫民区,在家中的8个孩子中排行第4。父亲是一个船坞码头的搬运工,母亲在一家医院里打工。凭借坚韧不拔的毅力,Kenny Rogers成为家族中唯一取得学位的人。 1955年,Kenny Rogers加入“嘟——呜(doo–woo)”乐队。录制了一些专栏作曲家苏拉、帕森斯创作的歌曲,如“可怜的小狗”、“旋转的轮子”、“肯治华”等。19岁的时候,Kenny Rogers为赫斯顿的一个小制作室录制了一首名为“疯狂的感觉”的歌曲,他在美国德猕
