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歌曲《You\’ll Know Love》歌词完整版_Kenny Rogers

发布人  jita123    时间  2023-08-03 17:11:37    浏览数 96    评论数 0

这一首《You’ll Know Love》歌曲是由歌手Kenny Rogers演唱,发布于个人Water & Bridges专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

You’ll Know Love – Kenny Rogers

The night will start to fall

You’ll lie awake recalling every tender thing she said

You’ll think about her laugh

Her touch her smile becomes a photograph

You can’t forget

Not just yet

You’re gonna know that night

When you reach out an she’s not there

And there’s more pain than your heart can bear

Love’s just a river till you’ve crossed it

Suddenly everything in your life feels wrong

You’re alive but the reason’s gone

You’ll know love when you’ve lost it

You’ll know the taste of tears

You know you will for years cause there’s a truth you can’t get past

Some bridges will not burn some bridges will not burn

But some corners must be turned so you can love again at last

And not look back

Still until that night

When you reach out an she’s not there

And there’s more pain than your heart can bear

Love’s just a river till you’ve crossed it

Suddenly everything in your life feels wrong

You’re alive but the reason’s gone

You’ll know love when you’ve lost it

It’s so easy to recognize

You’ll know love when you’ve lost it

by Thom JurekIf there was ever a record that sounded like a swan song, Kenny Rogers’ fine, vulnerable Water & Bridges is it. The cover is a bit startling; who thought he’d ever age? He always looked like he was somewhere in his middle to late fifties. But that look is traceable if you look deep enough, while Rogers seems to wear his age proudly, like Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson. The disc sounds like a goodbye to all the illusions, regrettable mistakes, and foolhardiness brought by living into the wisdom brought by the golden years. Rogers’ career has seen so many heights, it’s dizzying to think about. And he’s still hanging out on Capitol while many of his contemporaries are struggling on independent labels, if they’re recording at all. Water & Bridges isn’t a perfect record, but it’s a sincere one, and there are many tracks here that no other singer could pull off. And to be truthful, as in his very best material, Rogers has this uncanny ability to make everything on this record sound like it came from his own pen. It’s a melancholy record about passage, from one stage to the next, of life, of love, of youth, of ignorance, of spirit. The 11 tracks here are all slow, all reflective. It’s that particular brand of slick, soft, modern country and pop that he does better than anyone. There is one true dud in the bunch called \
