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8 Hello Hello的歌词_Ace Of Base演唱

发布人  jita123    时间  2024-01-27 12:00:02    浏览数 170    评论数 0

这一首《8 Hello Hello》lyric歌曲是由歌手Ace Of Base演唱,发布于个人The Ultimate Collection专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

8 Hello Hello – Ace Of Base (基地能手乐队)

Hallo Hallo ahh

Hallo Hallo ahh

Hallo Hallo ahh

Hallo Hallo ahh

Coming from my work I’m tired

I see you get on my bus

Here I go again a new attraction

And I think I know you

Something is familiar ’bout your face

I move through the crowd so I can get a better look

Hallo Hallo

I got what you’re searching for

Hallo Hallo

Can’t you see me hallo


Everybody’s looking for a crazy heart

Can’t you see me I’m here

Beside you

Weren’t you the one who

Spilled my long drink over at a bar

Easy come easy go I said and laughed

Looking like a question mark you

Stood there wondering what to do

And I said to you "Don’t you look to happy now"

Hallo Hallo

I got what you’re searching for

Hallo Hallo

Can’t you see me hallo


Everybody’s looking for a crazy heart

Can’t you see me I’m here

Hallo Hallo

Here I’m standing next to you

Hallo Hallo

I am an object nothing new

Hallo Hallo

Talk to me you’re looking strange

Let me know if my presence is bothering you

Hallo Hallo

Everybody’s looking

How can’t you see me

Hallo Hallo

Everybody’s searching

How can’t you see me

Hallo Hallo

Everybody’s looking

How can’t you see

Hallo Hallo

Everybody’s searching

How can’t you see me

Hallo Hallo – Ace Of Base

Ace of Base乐队在94年获得了两项Bi- llboard音乐大奖,并获得了三项94 \u002F 95年 度的世界音乐大奖。《符号》的销量超过了 2000万张,创造了“世界上最成功、最畅销 的处女专辑”的吉尼斯世界纪录,其成绩可 谓傲人。1995年,Ace of Base 又发表了他 们的第二张专辑《桥》(《Bridge》)。与 前一张专辑相比,《桥》已明显脱离了纯雷 吉和电子舞曲的风格,呈现出了多元化的音 乐倾向和一种较为严肃的情绪。这张专辑再 次获得了巨大的成功。而Ace of Base 此时 也已成为瑞典甚至世界流行乐坛中的一个动 人神话。
