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SIGN的歌词_Ace Of Base演唱

发布人  jita123    时间  2024-01-26 13:00:00    浏览数 85    评论数 0

这一首《SIGN》lyric歌曲是由歌手Ace Of Base演唱,发布于个人Hito 广告总精选专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:

The Sign – Pop Feast (流行音乐盛宴)

I I gotta new life you would hardly recognize me

I’m so glad

How could a person like me care for you

I why do I bother when you’re not the one for me

It’s enough enough

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding without understanding

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light

Where you belong

But where do you belong

I under the clear moon for so many years

I’ve wondered who you are

How could a person like you bring me joy

Under the pale moon where I see a lot of stars

It’s enough enough

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding without understanding

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light

Where you belong

But where do you belong Oh oh oh

I saw the sign and it opened up my mind

And I am happy now living without you

I’ve left you oh oh oh

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light

Where you belong

I saw the sign I saw the sign

I saw the sign

I saw the sign I saw the sign

I saw the sign I saw the sign

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes I saw the sign

01.在我的生命里 – "SONY HANDY CAM"又哭又笑篇询问度最高广告曲 \r02.回忆 – NISSAN"TEANA"汽车广告曲.来台巡回舞台剧"猫"主题曲 \r03.每一天 – 台新银行"STORY"现金卡变身篇广告曲 \r04.年少轻狂 – 裴勇俊"东森幸福会客室"形象代言广告曲 \r05.在爱尔兰 – 权相佑"FACE SHOP"广告曲 \r06.唛ㄚ暿(绿柠檬树下的爱) – 迪士尼卡通电影"四眼天鸡"广告曲原唱版 \r07.她们 – 蔡依林"MOTO V360"广告曲"乐园"翻唱原曲 \r08.健健美 – 台湾职棒赛后曲少女团体"I.N.G"翻唱原曲 \r09.爱爱爱 – 俄罗斯超火辣"圣女天团"广告主打曲新点子特别混音版 \r10.山塔(跳) – 品客洋芋片广告曲轻松曲风引起大家共鸣 \r11.只想与你在一起 – 海尼根"催眠篇"广告曲新点子特别混音版 \r12.尽情发泄 – 苹果"I-POD SHUFFLE"随身听发烧广告曲"凯萨大帝"成名作 \r13.摇你的屁屁 – 布莱德彼特代言TOYOTA汽车ALTIS广告曲 \r14.冰冰宝贝2005 – 福斯电影"冰原历险记2"广告主题曲 \r15.碟碟不休 – "NOKIA8310" 手机经典广告曲让你嚷嚷上口 \r16.顽皮豹 – "杜朗"苏格兰高地威士忌广告曲破碎拍舞曲版 \r17.标示 – 全球"E-BAY拍卖网站"广告曲你耳熟能响的歌 \r18.奇异恩典 – 英国美声小天使演唱全球最红诗歌日剧"白色巨塔"主题曲
