这一首《Loving Me 4 Me》lyric歌曲是由歌手Christina Aguilera演唱,发布于个人Stripped专辑里,H吉他网整理分享最新的完整版歌词如下:
Christina Aguilera – Loving Me 4 Me
People ask if I’m in love with you
Because I’m sitting here with your picture
And smiling to myself
I’m kinda lost in my own thoughts of you
My heart speaks before my mind thinks through
And I blush as I say yes
What a feeling of vulnerability coming over me
And I’m feeling weak and I can’t speak
Never thought I’d give in so willingly to a human being
With abilities to set me free
Free, make me be me
Makes me want to say
Your lips, your love, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it’s a part of me
You please me, complete me, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality thats hookin’ me
Is that you’re loving me for me
Is that you’re loving me for me
People ask why I’m in love with you
Well, let me start by saying
You got my heart by just being who you are
And what we got is between me and you
It doesn’t matter about the money I make
Or what I do, or that I’m a, huh, a star
Unconditionally you’re there for me
Undeniably you inspire me, spiritually, so sweet
This is meaningful, is incredible, pleasurable, unforgettable
The way I feel, so sweet
Makes me want to say
Your lips, your love, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it’s a part of me
You please me, complete me, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality thats hookin’ me
Is that you’re loving me for me
Is that you’re loving me for me
It’s so amazing how something so sweet
Has come and rearranged my life
I’ve been kissed by destiny
Oh, heaven came and saved me
An angel was placed at my feet
This isn’t ordinary, he’s loving me for me
Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes
No cover ups, push ups
With him, I dont have to put on a show
He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin
Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in
He’s real,he’s honest, he’s loving me for me
对克莉丝汀的印象,还停留在“瓶中精灵”时代的歌迷们要准备接招了:昔日一直给人甜美可人印象的克莉丝汀,随著新专辑《Stripped》将于11月5日发行,克莉丝汀特别先发出一项“道歉声明”:\n\n 很抱歉:克莉丝汀拒绝再让大家定义成昔日的模样\n 很抱歉:克莉丝汀打碎了自己歌坛玉女的形象\n 很抱歉:克莉丝汀必须有话直说\n 很抱歉:克莉丝汀不再只当乖乖牌\n 很抱歉:克莉丝汀就是假装不来、隐藏不了\n 很抱歉:现在大家看到的才是真正的克莉丝汀\n\n 等了好久,克莉丝汀的新专辑终于要问世了,亲爱的歌迷们,现在。你可以再靠近一点,好好的听听、清楚地看看,没有矫饰、不带虚伪:真正的克莉丝汀。\n\n 随著新专辑《Stripped》将于11月5日发行,一如克莉丝汀在专辑发行前所说的,全新的她果然除了音乐之外,更令人意外的就是她的全新形象。新专辑取名为:《Stripped》。克莉丝汀也老实不客气的,将专辑封面就拍成几近全裸的样子:上半身只用长发略为遮著胸部,而身穿的牛仔裤,更是经过特别设计,裤裆的部位,用的是黑带子取代原来的拉练,远远一看,的确非常符合『裸』的精神。\n\n 首先登场的第一首单曲:“下流”(Dirrty),克莉丝汀在片中的表现更是令人咋舌!在音乐录影带中,克莉丝汀身穿红色性感皮制短裤、和类似的比基尼小可爱,在片中打扮成一位女拳击手,克莉丝汀不但亲自上场与另一位选手演出全武行,片中克莉丝汀身旁的舞者,还和她一起在倾盆大雨中淋湿全身,外加泥浆摔跤。\n\n 全曲看下来,克莉丝汀骑重型摩托车、舞技性感泼辣、气势咄咄逼人,全片充斥著成人式的游戏与暴力,果然和当年她只小露肚脐的清纯式感大不相同。克莉丝汀很诚实的告诉乐迷和媒体说:她对正常且保守的形象感到很厌烦,因为那个样子非常的不像她自己。\n\n 不过在美国抢先看到这支新歌音乐录影带的乐迷有2派意见:有些觉得不习惯,觉得克莉丝汀应该坚守原来的方向。不过,也有歌迷觉得克莉丝汀似乎变得更酷、更惹火、很敢说。\n\n 这支宣告克莉丝汀长大了的音乐录影带在亚洲,有一些国家例如:新加坡、马来西亚等地已经确定被禁播。而在其他可以播的国家,也会依照各国的国情去做一些修剪。比较特别的是泰国,原本这支音乐录影带可以不用禁播,但是泰国官方却发现在音乐录影带中,有一个拳击的场景,在拳击台的上方有一个写著泰文的招牌,上面的意思是:欢迎来到“性”工业之都。因此这支音乐录影带又遭到一个国家可能会禁播的命运。